By: Siobhan Barrett, Senior Account Manager, Strategy & Integration

As social distancing measures set in, and gatherings of any size were prohibited, our social lives and attending any in-person events vanished. 

But now, as we inch towards a post-pandemic way of life, it’s time to consider what the future of the brand events industry will look like. Will they go back to being live and onsite? Or has COVID accelerated the shift from in-person events to virtual-only affairs? The answer most likely lies somewhere in the middle. 

As an agency that executed its fair share of virtual events in 2020/21, we are pleased to share our predictions for what the future of events will look like and why the next few months could be the Golden Age of event planning in our industry.

Hybrid is Where It’s At

If there’s one thing we learned over the last year, it’s that virtual events work!

Don’t get us wrong, it was daunting early on determining how to engage our target audiences through a screen, but we took up the challenge and were more than pleasantly surprised by the results. 

As just one example of a successful activation, we executed a live stream event in November to launch Centrum’s newest product — Multi+Probiotics. Featuring an invigorating workout session led by powerhouse fitness influencers, Cassie Day and Jahmeek Taylor, along with a fireside chat with author and registered nutritionist, Lydia Knorr. It was an engaging event from start to finish and just one illustration of how a virtual event can create a memorable brand experience. 

It’s also why, as life gradually returns to normal and in-person events become a thing again, we suggest incorporating an online component into your plans —  if only to maximize the size of your audience. When you consider that your product launch could be covered by media and influencers nationwide, instead of just those who can attend IRL, it only makes sense to integrate virtual into your live event. Hybrid is where it’s at!



Shine a Spotlight on Self-Care

The pandemic forced everyone to slow down and focus on their physical, mental, and spiritual health. In fact, the growing awareness surrounding self-care might just be the silver lining of this extraordinarily challenging time.

Perhaps it’s no surprise, then, that wellness worked its way into brand and industry events, too. It’s possible that over the last year you joined a virtual yoga session with your team or participated in a mindfulness break during a Zoom meeting. Self-care was everywhere in the corporate world thanks to COVID and frankly, we’re here for it.

As live events gradually resume, it’s likely this hyper-focus on health and wellness will stick around. It might even gather momentum in the short term. That’s why it’s crucial to treat self-care as a centrepiece — not an afterthought — of your next event. From nutritious food options and fitness meet-ups to meditation retreats, the possibilities for incorporating health and wellness into your next event are endless. Have fun with it!

Representation is Paramount

As we look beyond the lockdown, it’s important to consider how non-pandemic factors have shaped the future of events. 

The global reckoning over racial injustice is propelling brands to look inward and redouble their efforts to promote equality and representation. Inclusion has never been more important, and has become vital for event planners and brands moving forward. 

From speaker lineups and discussion topics to food and venue selection, the details of your event should reflect the diversity of your audience with authenticity and respect. If this is an area where your team needs extra guidance, not to worry. There are consultants (hello, double shot!) and resources available to help with your planning and provide a more holistic understanding of what hosting an inclusive event is all about. 

Looking Ahead…

It’s anyone’s guess where events will go from here, but we’re fairly certain the pillars we outlined above will become the rules — not the exceptions —  of executing a successful brand experience and we, for one, can’t wait. The Golden Age of event planning might just be around the corner.