By 1Milk2Sugars

There’s something romantic about marketing. We’re not talking about candlelight or long walks on the beach. nope, we mean the seductive dance between brand and consumer in which the consumer (our “love” interest) is always spicing things up, changing their mood, and keeping us marketers on our A-game.

In 2021, brands have a unique opportunity to lean into this equation with empathy and put their collective hearts into creating a better future. What’s not to love about that?

Below are some of the biggest trends for making your brand messaging sizzle:

  1. Diversity & Inclusion

What’s the secret to making a lasting love connection with your consumers? It comes down to ensuring they feel seen, understood and represented by your brand. As we say at 1M2S as well as our sister agency double shot, inclusion and diversity aren’t buzzwords or ‘nice-to-haves’. They are the fundamental pillars of successful brand building. Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in a genuine way through their content and CSR will most certainly feel the love in return.

  1. Traceability & Sustainability

New couple alert! Business and sustainability haven’t always gone hand in hand. But it’s 2021 and they’re more inseparable than ever. This change in dynamic is being driven by a consumer desire for brands that are kind to the planet. And it’s not just environmental responsibility that’s making an impression. Consumers are increasingly embracing companies that are transparent about their products and practices. In other words, it’s about saying what you do and doing what you say to show our world some love.

  1. Kindness Economy

We doubt this will come as a surprise. But people love supporting brands that do good in the world. Giving back demonstrates to your customers that their patronage means more than a two-way transaction. It’s helping them be part of a much bigger cause. As the song goes, “what the world needs now is love, sweet love” — we couldn’t agree more.

  1. Demographics & Value-graphics

Sorry to break your heart, but targeting your consumers based on traditional demographics (e.g. age, gender, income, etc.) is no longer a great strategy for your brand messaging. Why? Because those categories aren’t automatic predictors of buyer behaviour like they once were as consumers increasingly support brands that represent who they are not what group they belong to. Instead of demographics, brands should focus on value-graphics. How do we represent our consumers’ values and beliefs? That’s your sweet spot.

  1. Branded Podcasts

If we could write an ode to podcasts it would go a little something like this: “podcasts are informative, they’re entertaining and — launching a podcast will be great for your brand!”. Ok, so maybe our rhyming needs some work. But believe us when we say there’s never been a better time for your brand to launch its own podcast. Not only is it a powerful platform for highlighting your latest news. But it’s a meaningful way to build your community and connect with your customers in a way that sticks.

This Valentine’s Day, we hope you’ll take some inspiration from our team about how to build real brand love in 2021.


The Sugars


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