There are few professions that have changed as drastically in the last 10 years as marketing and PR. It won’t shock you to learn that technology is the biggest reason why.

Given this tectonic shift in the landscape, we thought it would be useful to revisit the difference between marketing and PR and examine their roles through a 2023 lens.

Read on to learn more – starting with what these two terms actually mean!

What is Marketing?

At its core, marketing hinges on the promotion of a product or service with the goal of driving sales.

What is PR?

PR is less motivated by sales and more focused on cultivating a brand’s public perception, credibility and reputation.

Key Differences Between Marketing and PR

Let’s get into it, shall we?

Goals: PR and marketing departments have different objectives when it comes to their work. While PR is focused on managing a company’s reputation, marketing is concerned with generating buzz to drive sales.

Target Audiences: PR and marketing have different mandates so it stands to reason they have different audiences too. A PR program is nearly always focused on reaching the media and other key stakeholders (e.g. thought leaders/influencers, investors, employees, etc.). In contrast, marketing aims to connect directly with consumers.

Performance Metrics: Among the many differences between PR and marketing is how they measure success. While PR examines impact on public awareness, marketers tend to focus on whether their campaigns led to an uptick in sales.

Daily Activities: A daily glimpse into the life PR and marketing pros looks very different. Press releases, pitches and media outreach are the purview of PR while content creation and social media strategy are part of the marketing playbook.

Do PR And Marketing Overlap At All?

The short answer is yes!

While PR and marketing used to have very distinct domains, technology – in particular social media – has blurred the lines between these two professions more than ever. Influencers are becoming the new information gatekeepers and are gradually overtaking traditional media as a credibility indicator.

As we embark on a new year, only time will tell how PR and marketing will continue to evolve. One thing is for certain, both are key to delivering exceptional results.

Thank you for reading!


The Sugars